👋 I'm Ahmad, an iOS engineer and illustrator from Egypt.
more about me


An iOS app for the well known website. The app gives you a well-crafted experience with best UX practices to read high quality Arabic articles. You react to articles,  download and read them offline, change the font size and make custom notifications to remind you to read articles. Also I included widgets to the app to feature recommended articles to the user.


I've developed almost half of the project with my friend and designed the app UI/UX and the app icon all myself form scratch.
The app is built with Swift 5 and UIKit. Data is saved offline using Realm database. I used WidgetKit to implement minimal but informative and beautiful widgets. I also followed Apple Human Interface Guidelines and used SF font family and SF Symbols for more Apple-like experience.



Dot-Dash is an iOS app to convert to and from Morse Code, with a beautiful and minimal design making it possible to copy and share secret messages with your friends in encrypted form.

Let's work together!

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"سقف الممكن مذهل"
-أيمن عبدالرحيم